Tuesday, January 8, 2019

3 Tips to Getting the Most Out of Guiding Star

Kudos to those of you who have found the time and energy to create your 2019 Guiding Star plan. I just finished mine yesterday. Is it perfect? Who cares? Perfection is highly overrated. I do know my plan has gotten me started, and that's all I need right now.

I've got 3 tips for you today to help you get the most out of your plan.

#1. You've Got A Friend 
Find one person on this planet that you can check in with about your Guiding Star plan. Why? Having a Guiding Star Friend makes you accountable. Having a Guiding Star Friend gives you someone to share the upcoming joys and challenges. This relationship has the potential to keep you on track, to encourage you, and to give you permission when you can't give it to yourself.

Look for someone you trust to be honest with you. Someone who is strong enough to tell you what you need to hear, yet gentle enough to be empathetic.

My GS Friend lives hundreds of miles away. We're both working women with lives full of work, families, homes, cars to drive, commitments to keep, bathtubs to clean, and goals. We see each other once a year, maybe twice. We use Google Drive to share our plans as we're creating them and for our monthly reports. We text challenges and successes frequently.

This one action has transformed my life. I believe this action can transform your life as well, if you'll let it. 

#2. Go On A Date
With yourself. 

Once a month, I sit down with my computer and open up my Guiding Star plan. I actually write a report every month, which I know many of you think is completely wackadoo, but I don't care. Nothing negative has ever come out of that action. Writing a monthly report grounds me, gives me clarity, keeps me motivated and most of all - makes me feel positive and happy. I am reminded of the vision I had for myself at the beginning of the year. I am regularly reinvigorated by the possibilities. 

I also send my report to my GS Friend (and she sends hers to me). The time we spend together because of our Guiding Star plans has deepened our friendship. It is now one of the greatest gifts of my life.

Try it. See what happens for you.

#3. In Your Face
I have a tab open on my computer right now to my GS Plan. This morning, while I was at the gym, I reminded myself of my Slogan (Dance easily with life's astonishing abundance). In my Google Tasks  list are tasks directly related to my 2019 Guiding Star goals. One of my Touchstones is happily sitting next to me on a post-it note.

Find a space, even a small one, in your life for one part of your plan. Keep it close by, ponder it, allow it to seep into your existence bit by bit. 

Why did I take the time to create this plan, and why do I take the time to edit and post it annually? Because I am continually amazed by the transformation I have experienced in my life because of my annual plan, and because I want others to know how that can happen for them. 

I would love to hear from even one of you about your experience with Guiding Star. Where are you? What are you thinking? Have I helped at all? Thanks in advance for your comments.

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