Friday, April 17, 2015

I Went

I went.

I didn't want to go.

I went anyway.

There were so many reasons not to go. Too far. Chances were slim. Not enough money. Project not that interesting. Bad time of the year.

I went anyway.

A funny thing happened. I delivered more than I had anticipated. Opportunities I hadn't considered opened up. I actually enjoyed myself.

What if I hadn't gone? I wouldn't have practiced delivering more. I wouldn't have those opportunities. I wouldn't have enjoyed myself.

You have an upcoming opportunity on your calendar – an interview, a potential client meeting, an audition. You're having trouble deciding if you should keep this opportunity. Usually, you have no trouble making a decision like this. You're very good at recognizing the positives and negatives of situations and deciding if the opportunity is one you should take. You're driving yourself a little bit crazy with your indecision about this particular opportunity.

You should go.

I went.